Issue a purchase order number and identify each item by catalogue number and product description. Please specify both a shipping and billing address, contact name(s), telephone number, and any special requirements.
Prices will be quoted upon request for a product line or for an individual item. New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation reserves the right to adjust pricing according to the actual quantities ordered. Quotes are valid for a specified period of time.
All prices are subject to change without notice. Please call New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation to verify before ordering. Prices are in US Dollars.
All shipments are FOB shipping point, unless otherwise stated.
Ordering Address:
New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation
1450 S. Rolling Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21227
Telephone: (443) 543-5746
Fax: (443) 543-5749
E-mail: contact@nhdiag.com
Terms of payment are PREPAYMENT, payable in U.S. Dollars by credit card, electronic check, or wire transfer of funds. For paper checks, please make checks payable to: New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation, and mail to:
New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation
1450 S. Rolling Road
Baltimore, Maryland 21227
A service charge of 1.5% per month will be added for past due balances.
New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation guarantees the quality of its reagents if used and stored as recommended. Any reagents found to be defective will be replaced free of charge upon return of the product. New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, and in no event shall New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation be liable for consequent damage.
Specifications are subject to change without notice.
New Horizons Diagnostics Corporation guarantees the quality of its reagents if used and stored as recommended. Any reagents found to be defective will be replaced free of charge upon return of the product. Partially used product(s) cannot be returned. The delivering carrier is responsible for damage in shipment. Packaging material should be kept if damage occurs. Immediately contact delivering carrier for inspection of damage and claim filing. Damaged items cannot be returned without authorization.